Tag: vuepress

  • Redesigning my website

    Redesigning my website

    My initial thoughts Over the past week, I migrated my website from VuePress to Gridsome. This migration has now given me more freedom of design and development. Inspired by Jack McDade’s awesome website and I wanted to create something that was more personable to me. Also, I like funky designs, but I’m always less motivated to design…

  • Website migrated from VuePress to Gridsome posting from Forestry

    Website migrated from VuePress to Gridsome posting from Forestry

    This is the first blog post I am creating from my Forestry dashboard. If you see this on my website, then it has been a success.

  • Choosing the right commenting system for your blog

    Here’s a list of commenting plugins you can use in any static or dynamic website/blog you may have. Disqus Disqus is probably the most popular commenting system and has a huge community of users. However, one downside is the filesize since it contains analytics and also has the ability to display ads. This might leave…

  • Automatically post new blog posts to your Facebook and Twitter pages from your RSS feed

    You now have an RSS feed setup and you want to post your content to Facebook and Twitter automatically, but how do you do this? Using IFTTT One option and it’s the one I use is a tool called If This Then That or IFTTT for short. Basically it says if this event happens then…

  • Adding an RSS feed to your VuePress blog

    This is a quick, but helpful tutorial on adding an RSS feed to your VuePress website. First we should install the RSS plugin by using yarn add vuepress-plugin-rss -D or npm i vuepress-plugin-rss -D depending on your chosen package manager. Next, we need to update our config.js in /docs/.vuepress/config.js and add the following. module.exports =…

  • Adding NetlifyCMS to your VuePress website

    If you have a VuePress website or you’ve followed along with my previous post on making a blog, the chances are you want a way to manage your content/posts. Directory Structure First off, we need to know where to store our files. If you’ve followed the previous post, then all files will go into /docs/.vuepress/public/admin.…

  • Deploying your VuePress blog to Netlify

    In our last blog post we create a blog using VuePress. Now we need somewhere to deploy our website. I’ve chosen Netlify because it’s free and easy to use. You can set it up with GitHub, GitLab or even BitBucket. Creating a Netlify account If you haven’t done created an account yet, I suggest you…

  • Creating a VuePress Blog

    My personal website has gone through a few blogging services such as WardrobeCMS, OctoberCMS and WordPress, but after having some issues created by some updates, I decided to move away. This is when I decided to use a static site generator and found VuePress. VuePress is built on VueJS and will convert markdown files to…

  • A Netlify Test

    A Netlify Test

    Last week I signed into my WordPress blog and found I had errors. These errors seemed to have occurred through my Neve theme which may have been caused by an upgrade somewhere along the lines. I tried to trace the errors back through my daily backups, but it seemed no matter what I did, I…