5 important things I learnt when Blogging Old
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1. Don’t just rely on your blog’s RSS feed
This is probably the most important lesson I
Most helpful GIT command...
This little command is a lifesaver and will save you so much time when switching and merging previous branches in
Create a Raspberry Pi 3 Bluetooth tag
I found this MagPi Tutorial to be a really nice starting project for my newly purchased Pi 3. However, I
Hosting your site With Digital Ocean and Docker
Affiliate links:
Please be aware that the links in this article are affiliate links. If you click on them, I
How to containerize your PHP/NGINX docker project properly
This evening, I had myself a little challenge. I would turn my two containers (MariaDB and my own built container)
Guzzle Curl Error 60 SSL unable to get local issuer
I’ve seen a couple of questions regarding the error “Curl: (60) SSL certificate: Unable to get local issuer certificate”
Mounting Volumes in Docker and Using Windows 10
Jetpack Memberships Error: jetpack-memberships-rb-npf
Could not find a plan for this button. Edit this post and confirm that the selected
Using View Composers in Laravel 5.2
I have started using Laravel’s View Composers which come in handy when you have a navigation bar that constantly
Using Vagrant and Homestead In as Little Steps as Possible (Per Project Install)
I want to show you guys just how quick and easy it easy to get a Laravel project up and
Oauth Tutorial - Part 1 - Setting up Facebook
Last week I promised that I will be creating some tutorials regarding Oauth and Laravel’s Socialite plugin. Today, we