Making it to 200 blog posts and my 11-year anniversary

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My blog has moved around many different platforms, hosting providers and has gone through many iterations. Some days I want to post every single day and have so much motivation. Other days, I don’t know what to write about or lack any motivation.
It’s certainly been a long and arduous 11 years for my blog, but I feel more positive. I’m feeling like it’s finally moving in a proper direction, and I have more clarity.
For a while, I wanted to create a niche and target specific topics, but that isn’t me. I love so many things, and I can’t stick to just one topic. If you’re a long time reader, then you’ve probably seen this too. I have posted product reviews, WordPress, music, web development, and so much more.
For some, this can be seen as a bad thing because it makes it harder to retain readers. However, it’s the only way I can write, and I don’t want to limit myself. My readers get the 100% genuine version of me. If you read any of my posts, you’re reading a part of my life, and I enjoy that about my posts.
I’m not some kind of writing robot 🤖 I’m a human bean! Eleven years of writing and 200 blog posts have taught me a lot. It has taught me that I need to focus more and stop flip-flopping around.
I’ve always been a flip-flopper, but it’s time to stop that. I’m sticking with WordPress, and I’m sticking to writing my own way! I’ve said it in a blog post How to start blogging? Start with a platform you enjoy. And it really resonates with many of my readers and me.
So, eleven years have passed. Here’s to another eleven years of blogging. And I promise I will be a lot more consistent from now on. Here’s to getting to 400 posts way before my twenty-two-year celebration. 🥂
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