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Not sure what to write today? Try using writing prompts

Not sure what to write today? Try using writing prompts

Writing prompts are a secret super power!

For yesterday’s blog post, I had no idea what to write. I was sat there the day before thinking, “what can I write about today?”. I asked my wife for ideas, and she also had no idea. This was when I decided to go to Reddit, Twitter and a few other places to gain ideas. However, even though these usually work for me, I still had no idea what my next topic was. I then decided to search “writing prompts” to see what would happen.

The first result came back with reedsyprompts and had a range of genres for you to pick from. They offer writing competitions so you can win money, but that wasn’t what I was looking for. I just needed a prompt to get the ideas flowing. They have a dropdown, and I chose “creative nonfiction”, which is where I found a prompt titled “Write about your most unique experience at, or in, a wedding.”. This got me thinking about my wedding and how we’re nearing our 4th wedding anniversary.

What’s surprising about yesterday’s blog post is that it was my most viewed post in a single day. Most posts that I usually write average 5-10 views on the first day, but this one reached 28 views on the first day. I was shocked and surprised by these stats, especially considering I had no idea what to write, and it was very off-the-cuff.

If you don’t know what to write, give a writing prompt a chance, and you never know. It could be your most well-received post to date! Give it a go, and post your “writing prompt” blog post in the comments below. I would love to see what you write.

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