Challenging myself continued...
In November, I created a post on challenging myself and connecting with other bloggers (read here). Firstly, my mission was
This man found out he has cancer, give him some love.
I haven’t watched his videos in a while, but this one caught my eye as it was titled “Well
Watching Aquaman with my wife
This blog post is uber late today due to a late-night showing of Aquaman. We were going to watch Glass
Going Vegan
Starting tomorrow I will be going vegan. At first, I was very reluctant because I love my meat. I couldn’
Blue Monday and National Hug Day
Today is apparently blue Monday (I say apparently because of this post). It is also National Hug Day which is
Dealing with death
Death is a terrible part of living. We all worry about death, and most of us aren’t ready for
Struggling with money and how it affects Mental Health
Money is always a taboo that often gets swept under the carpet, much like mental health. It’s a topic
How I manage to get to Crossfit every morning
Some days I wake up at 4:30, others at 5 on weekdays then on Saturday I get up at
Game of Thrones hype starts again
I must admit, it took my wife and I a while to get into Game of Thrones. So many people
Excited for the new Spider-Man movie
If you haven’t watched Avengers Infinity War and don’t know the ending, I suggest you