Struggling with money and how it affects Mental Health

Money is always a taboo that often gets swept under the carpet, much like mental health. It’s a topic that should be talked about more, again like mental health. When you suffer from both, then it can be a volcano ready to explode at any moment.

Near the end of last year, I felt really proud of how much my wife and I paid our debts, we were doing really well I thought. As we got into the new year, I was pumped. We were going to smash 2019 and clear our debt. We are now into our second week of January, and now the feeling of dread has hit. We’ve taken a look at our finances and it’s worse than I thought. We’re in more debt than I anticipated, but we’re still paying it off. If it’s still being paid off, then why is my head worrying so much?

It’s because of the feeling of being an imposter, you feel like you aren’t as good as you thought you were. You’re wondering how you even got into this situation in the first place, we’ve been working for so long and so hard, we should be in a better position. However, the truth is, we’re not in a better position and we just have to make do.

January is also always the worst month for these kinds of feeling, and it will pass over time. We’ll get past our sense of dread and continue on. As long as debts are paid then we just have to play the waiting game. If you ever feel this way, then I recommend a charity called StepChange. This company will take in all your debts, income, outgoings, and tell you how much money to put into your debts with a time scale.

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