Brehm a tough CrossFit workout

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Yesterday, I completed the workout called “Brehm”. The workout is for time and the limit was 16 minutes. The movements are as follows… 10 rope climbs > 20 back squats > 30 HSPUs > 40 calories on the rower.
For most of the rope climbs, I managed to get to the top with one tuck. It felt really good until there were moments where my form was lost. My right leg would sometimes move away from the rope when it should be going towards the rope. I honestly had no idea what my leg was doing but it was pretty frustrating. 😂
The worst part of Brehm is the back squats and HSPUs
Then I worked on the back squats which I did at 70kg. I had to break them up 3 or 4 times due to the weight but I managed to finish them all. It was probably one of the worst movements.
The handstand push-ups were done from a box. I started with pike HSPUs with my legs straight. After my first set of 10, I decided to use my knees. I then carried on until I reached the final 10 reps. This is when I did pike HSPUs from the floor and I finished my reps. They were a struggle and probably just as bad as the back squats.
The calories on the rower were probably the best bit. I stayed under 1,000 cals an hour because I didn’t want to go out too hot. It was a steady pace, and I managed to completed Brehm in 15 minutes and 50 seconds which is below the 16 minute usual time cap..
This was a great time, and I was really happy with how I finished. I think if I were to do it again, I would do all my HSPUs from the knees on a box. I feel like I could have probably finished all the reps from there. 70kg on the bar was the exact weight I needed. I’d love to reach 100kg at some point but I don’t think I’ll get there any time soon.
Extra podcast info
What I’m going to try and do is write my blog post from now on and record this blog post out onto a podcast. This is fairly different to what I usually do. I’ll be embedding the podcast episode onto the post (you can see from the top).
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