2 min read

My thoughts on the CrossFit Open workout 22.1

My thoughts on the CrossFit Open workout 22.1

First off, I want to apologise for the lack of content. I’ve been going through a tough time mentally and I am working on that. My thoughts are also with those in Ukraine who are going through an extremely tough time. I seriously hope the situation improves and you can start to recover from the chaos that Russia has caused.

CrossFit Open Workout 22.1 showed a huge weakness

For those that are unaware, the CrossFit Open Workout 22.1 was a 15 minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of…

  • 3 wall-walks
  • 12 dumbbell snatches (22.5kg)
  • 15 box jump-overs (24″ box)

I pictured this CrossFit Open workout to go bad since I’m not good at wall walks. However, I didn’t expect it to go as bad as it did. The first round went pretty well. I did my three wall-walks, bashed out the 12 dumbbell snatches and finished off the box jumps nice and smooth.

The second round of the Crossfit Open Workout 22.1 is where it all started to fall apart for me. I managed to get my first wall-walk, and then just squeezed out a second rep. On my third rep, I failed and had to try again, and again, and again, but this time I got the rep.

My snatches and box jump-overs went just as well as the first round and I was back onto the wall-walks. The first rep took me a good 5 attempts, and then I was unable to finish another wall-walk in the remaining time.

It was a huge frustration, and something I hope to be working on in the future. My coach said that if all those wall walks counted, then I would have easily done 30+ reps which was a shame.

The workout was announced almost a week ago, and I didn’t do a second attempt and with 22.2 being announced tomorrow, I won’t be trying for a second attempt. I might try some time in the future as a personal retest, but for now, I’ll stick with my two rounds and one wall-walk.

Let’s see what tomorrow’s announcement brings, but I’m hoping for some deadlifts and pull-ups.

What are your thoughts on the Crossfit Open Workout 22.1? Did you enjoy it? Did you struggle? Let me us know in the comments below.

I’m also Taking on the 3 peaks challenge in memory of my brother and to raise money for the British Heart Foundation.