Challenging myself continued…

In November, I created a post on challenging myself and connecting with other bloggers (read here). Firstly, my mission was to start conversations with other blogs (or bloggers) that aren’t on Medium (read why). I feel like the challenge is going well, and I’ve started to create stronger relationships with fellow bloggers. My friendย Eric L Barnesย shared his RSS list which gave me a good head start.

As a result, I’ve now become way more social on Twitter (which is an incredible social tool), and it’s really boosted me in ways I could never imagine and connected me to tons of bloggers.

What’s next for me?

I posted on my Twitter how last year I wanted to do some public speaking, and how I would do it next year. However, I now I think I’ll do it this year instead. Life is too short and the year has only just started, why think about next year when it can be done this year? It’s time to start looking at conferences and talk. It will be about mental health, more specifically performance anxiety, and imposter syndrome. Hopefully, I can teach companies and employees empathy towards mental health as I feel it’s very lacking.

Of course, my original challenge is still ongoing. All of this is an ongoing journey that’s building on previous challenges. In that respect, please comment below some of your favourite bloggers who you feel I should follow. It can be their website or their Twitter page… Or even both!

P.s. thank you to this motivational tweet!

Dude, last year you did not make the time… Next year is too late… You have an awesome idea, start now, act now and achieve your dream now… I promise it will be the best thing ever. Best of luck!</p>โ€” Sean_RGCI (@Sean_RGCI) <a href=””>January 17, 2019</a>

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