Hedgehog watching

Hedgehog Watching is a lovely experience
Last week, my wife was pet sitting a cat. Their owners love hedgehogs, and have had many come into the back garden to eat. They told us we were free to do some hedgehog watching as they come to feed which is exactly what we did.
We had to wait until it got dark which was around 8pm, and it wasn’t long until we saw our first hedgehoggy. They zoomed in, ate some food and then zoomed off. A few minutes later, we had another show up who wasn’t so fast and ate quite a bit.
You can see the footage below, and the second footage shows his little friend. It was a lovely experience, and something I hope I can bring to my own garden.
Watch the experience below
What to read next…
Make yourself a hedgehog friendly garden. Read my post on Helping my wife pet sit.
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