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My blog has reached over 100,000 views and I'm excited

My blog has reached over 100,000 views and I'm excited

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Yesterday, I found out my blog has reached over 100,000 views,

I’m over the moon. This milestone has taken 11 years, but that’s 11 years of on/off posting. To some, this may seem like a small achievement. However, to me, it’s a huge milestone and one I will cherish forever.

My blog has had a very rocky history. Some months, I would post every day and other months, I wouldn’t post at all. I think for some years, there would be absolute silence. I lost faith in myself and my blog. I’ve struggled mentally with what I should be doing, wondering why I’m not getting views, and more. However, now I’m in a super good place, and I will be creating more posts more frequently.

But I’ve somehow regained my faith in my blogging ability, and I’ve reached a tipping point where I want to keep going and will keep going until the day I die. I’ve made so many great connections, heard so many great stories, and I want to keep sharing my stories with everyone I can.

My blog has also taken many forms. It’s gone from a dev tutorial blog to a CrossFit blog to a more general life update blog. I’m posting about what I want and when I want, and there’s no niche or specific thing I want to do with it. I want to share my stories, and if anyone reads it, it’s a massive bonus.

I also hope to make my next 100,000 views a lot faster. Maybe one day, it will turn into something more than just a blog, but for now, I’m happy to keep going, keep sharing my stories and find enjoyment through writing. I will be writing for many years to come, maybe even until the day I die.

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Read or listen to my previous blog post.